The Councils of NACAP

The 5 Councils of NACAP

NACAP is a family of influencers reaching for the future. We are a network designed to build synergy among established and credible Apostles, Prophets & Teachers. NACAP desires to foster healthy mentorship and engagement among emerging Apostles, Prophets & Teachers. Presently, NACAP is a council composed of 5 Councils collectively for the purposes of engagement within the network. We believe that each council within NACAP will further reflect the vision, mission and purpose of NACAP. The Councils will provide the following;

  1. Engagement and community for like-minded leaders within NACAP.

  2. Ministry assessment and directives for all partners of NACAP serving in various councils.

  3. Digital and printable resources provided by council leaders.

  4. Practical solutions for 21st Century leaders who occupy various fields of influence.


The Council of Ministry Development

A council within NACAP that fosters growth, development and Women’s empowerment.

The Council Of Global Missions

A council within NACAP that strategically seeks to stand alongside leaders globally, while engage communities locally.

The Council of Teachers

A council within NACAP dedicated to the proper inspection of scripture, and application of scripture in the 21st century.


The Council of Prophets

A council within NACAP seeking to establish a context, a model and template for Prophets globally.

The Council of Apostles

A council within NACAP that desires to proper align the body of Christ for both equipping as well as engagement.