NACAP Mission

NACAP Mission


Empower Women

Here at NACAP we are a family committed to defending the causes of women everywhere. We believe that women were created equal with men and that together we can thrive in our society. We believe that women’s equality is a reflection of honor, leadership, influence and power being given to our women. We also stand against any and every sexual exploitation that plagues women in our society.

Engage Missions

NACAP has purposed at it’s core to be an advocate of global missions everywhere. While we believe in global missions, the globe has come to our backyard. Therefore, our home, our cities are in need of support, help, food, clothing, shelter. NACAP as a family, has developed a partnership with local Non-Profit organizations. We believe that missions can solve global issues.

Equip Leaders

NACAP is committed to equipping, strengthening and sharpening the local Church through hands on training for 21st Century leaders. As a family of leaders, we believe the Church is God’s governmental body placed in the earth to advance the purposes of the kingdom. The Church is not within the four walls. The Church is within us. Therefore, our gates, according to Isaiah 60 will remain open.